Expected Rank for 100 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024


Expected Rank for 100 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024: Achieving 100 marks in the AP EAMCET 2024 can help candidates estimate their potential rank. Based on previous years’ trends, candidates scoring around 100 marks can expect a rank between 48,001 and 49,500. However, this is an approximation, and actual ranks may vary depending on this year’s overall performance. The precise rank will be indicated on the scorecard once the results are released.

Expected Rank for 100 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024

100 Marks vs. Expected Rank in AP EAMCET 2024

Below is a table showing the expected rank for candidates scoring 100 marks and the approximate ranks for nearby mark ranges:


Marks RangeExpected Rank in AP EAMCET 2024
104+ marks42,001 to 43,500 ranks
103+ marks43,501 to 45,000 ranks
102+ marks45,001 to 46,500 ranks
101+ marks46,501 to 48,000 ranks
100+ marks48,001 to 49,500 ranks
99+ marks49,501 to 51,000 ranks
98+ marks51,001 to 52,500 ranks
97+ marks52,501 to 54,000 ranks
96+ marks54,001 to 55,500 ranks
95+ marks55,501 to 57,000 ranks

Good Rank Analysis for 100 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024

A rank above 10,000 generally poses challenges in securing a preferred college or course. Scoring 100 out of 160 marks indicates a moderate performance. Although candidates will qualify for the counseling process, their options for colleges and courses might be limited. It’s beneficial to review previous years’ cutoffs specific to colleges, courses, and categories to plan effectively. Candidates with ranks between 48,001 and 49,500 should explore courses with promising career paths like aeronautical engineering, biotechnology engineering, marine engineering, data science, and artificial intelligence, which may have lesser competition.

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Detailed AP EAMCET Marks vs Rank 2024 Analysis:

110 marksExpected Rank for 110 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024
120 marksExpected Rank for 120 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024
130 marksExpected Rank for 130 Marks in AP EAMCET 2024
AP EAMCET Marks vs Rank vs Institute-Course 2024Detailed Analysis

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Q1: What is the expected rank for 100 marks in AP EAMCET 2024?

A1: Candidates scoring 100 marks can expect a rank between 48,001 and 49,500 based on previous years’ data.

Q2: How does scoring 100 marks impact my chances of getting into a good college?

A2: Scoring 100 marks places you in a moderate range. While you’ll qualify for counseling, your choices may be limited, and you might need to consider less competitive courses.

Q3: What courses are advisable for a rank between 48,001 and 49,500?

A3: Courses like aeronautical engineering, biotechnology engineering, marine engineering, data science, and artificial intelligence are recommended due to their promising career paths and comparatively lower demand.


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